Easy Accents: a keyboard layout for easy accentuation
• Motivation
My native language, Portuguese, uses many accents. For those who, like me, do not have a Portuguese keyboard, getting accents with a Mac is a real pain: since they are used to typing 'a to get á in typewriters, typing option-e+a is very unintuitive. I finally decided to learn how to write a KCHR resource to remedy this situation. The result is Easy Accents.
• Installation
◊ drop Easy Accents into the System file (not the System folder). This makes it available but not active.
◊ to enable it, open the Keyboard control panel and choose Easy Accents in the Keyboard Layout list.
◊ to disable it, open the Keyboard control panel and choose another keyboard layout.
◊ to remove Easy Accents from the System file, first disable it, then open the System file and drag Easy Accents out.
• Operation
To get Type
á 'a
à `a
â ^a
ã ~a
ç 'c
' '<space>
You get the idea. Typing ç and Ç is only mildly non-intuitive, because there is no ç key on the keyboard. If you don't like this scheme, you can make your own by editing Easy Accents with ResEdit. I've added more accents than are used in Portuguese to make Easy Accents useful for other languages like French and Spanish.
• How I did it
I started with the US keyboard layout taken from the System and added accents as dead keys with ResEdit. (So, you can actually use either 'a or option-e+a to get á.) I change the ID to 9000, for no special reason.
ResEdit gave me the desired KCHR resource. To turn it into a keyboard layout, I changed the type to kfil and the creator to mvor with MacChange. I didn't include custom icons for Easy Accents. If you come up with something nice, please let me know.
• Legal matters
Easy Accents is hereby donated to the public domain. You may do whatever you like with it. But please let me you if you add or change something.
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo email: lhf@visgraf.impa.br
IMPA-Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada lhfig@brlncc.bitnet
Estrada Dona Castorina 110 voice: +55 21 294-9032 x105
22460 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil fax: +55 21 512-4115